Abbeville General has recently announced partnership with Special Care Hospital Management to offer “New Vision,” an inpatient medical stabilization and withdrawal management service for adults with drug, alcohol and related health issues.
The service accepts appropriate adults, who are currently using or are experiencing acute withdrawal symptoms from certain drugs. It consists of a medically supervised hospital stay for inpatient stabilization that typically lasts 3 days.
The inpatient stay includes the following aspects:
- Pre-Screening
- Assessment
- Admission
- Medical Stabilization
- Appropriate Discharge Planning
Upon admission to the hospital for medical stabilization, assessment of the patient’s fundamental needs are accomplished. These assessments include a medical history, physical, a complete laboratory workup, and a nursing assessment.
Patients who are under the influence of chemical substances, and are considered medically unstable, will be closely observed and stabilized. The Hospital accepts appropriate patients who are experiencing incapacitation due to substance use and/or abuse, or are experiencing acute withdrawal symptoms from cessation of use of certain substances, in conjunction with other related health issues.
The diagnosis of need for inpatient admission can only be made by a licensed physician and admission is on a voluntary basis.
The service accepts most insurance plans.